To Our Community:
We are sorry to report that we are voluntarily recalling two of our products in 14 states due to the potential presence of gluten. A limited number of our Mountain White Bread and Everything Bagels are being recalled in Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming. These products are only affected if they contain both the UPC code and lot number listed in the photos below. Recalled products should be thrown away or you can return them to the store where you purchased them for a full refund.
As a dedicated gluten-free bakery, we follow the strict guidelines of the Gluten-Free Certification Organization (GFCO). One of these guidelines involves frequent and thorough testing of finished baked goods for the presence of gluten. Recently, internal testing of some finished baked goods revealed the possible presence of gluten outside of GFCO standards. Unfortunately, a small quantity of this product was inadvertently shipped to the marketplace.
Providing safe and delicious foods to those with food sensitivities is foundational for our company. We extend our deepest apologies for letting you down. We will be conducting a full-scale audit of our shipping and inventory management practices to ensure this does not happen again.
We pledge to you that we will do better.
See Below For A Recent Update
UPDATE 12/28/2020
We are amending our December 3, 2020 voluntary recall press release to reflect additional geographic distribution for the Canyon Bakehouse Everything Bagels. This includes retail customers in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, and Rhode Island. As previously stated, this product is only affected if it contains both the Lot Code (20316 316) and UPC (8-53584-00221-8) shown below.
You can view the updated press release here:
UPDATE 12/4/2020
Canyon Community, as we have promised, we wanted to share the latest information with you on the recall of specific loaves of Mountain White and Everything Bagels. Our team has been thoroughly investigating how we had a gluten contamination in our dedicated gluten-free bakery. You asked a number of important questions, and our investigation now sheds some light on what went wrong. We hope this information is helpful. We know we have work to do in order to rebuild your trust in us.
Our company was founded by someone with celiac disease. Allergen safety has been a part of our DNA from the start and we take it very seriously. We follow the strict guidelines of the Gluten-Free Certification Organization (GFCO) for testing gluten levels in our finished baked goods. And the testing protocols we follow every day worked in this case, performing as they were designed to.
Our internal tests of the Mountain White Bread and Everything Bagels found levels of gluten outside GFCO standards. Our team immediately flagged the affected products and put them in a separate hold area so they could be properly disposed of. We traced the issue to an isolated ingredient supplier.
Where we dropped the ball is that some of the affected product was inadvertently shipped from the hold area. That should not have happened. We’re investigating to find out how it did and put additional safeguards in place to ensure it doesn’t occur again.
This all started as an isolated supplier issue, though, and we’re developing an even more robust supplier audit process to ensure our standards are met. We hope to implement that soon.
As a dedicated gluten-free bakery, we follow the strict guidelines of the Gluten-Free Certification Organization (GFCO).
This requires us to conduct frequent and thorough testing of finished baked goods for the presence of gluten. We test all our finished baked goods to ensure they contain less than 10ppm (parts per million) of gluten, which is the GFCO standard.
We are confident that our testing protocols work. In this case, our testing did its job and accurately identified elevated levels of gluten. This immediately alerted our bakery team, which moved the affected product into a separate hold area so it could be properly disposed of. Unfortunately, some of the affected products shipped to the marketplace. We are conducting a full-scale audit of our shipping and inventory management practices to ensure this cannot happen again.
Please note: Only products with both the UPC and lot numbers below are involved in the recall. All other Canyon Bakehouse products are completely safe and are not affected.
Canyon Bakehouse Mountain White:

UPC: 8-52584-00200-3
LOT #: 20323 323
Canyon Bakehouse Everything Bagels:

UPC: 8-53584-00221-8
LOT #: 20316 316
You can view the full press release here: